
Registrations for the 2025 Community Football Season are not yet open. We hope to have everything ready to go later in January. In the meantime, you can complete Step 1 below so you are connected into the Play Football system. As soon as the club details are available we will update this page. 

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for up to date information.

Community football is the foundation of our club. 
Miniroos – age 5 to 9
Community Juniors – ages 10 to 18
Community Seniors – ages 18+
Masters – ages 35+

How to Register for Gungahlin United Football Club (GUFC)

At Gungahlin United Football Club, we make the registration process simple and straightforward, following guidelines from Play Football and Capital Football. Here’s everything you need to know to join our football family:

Step 1: Create or Log into Your Play Football Account

1. Visit the Play Football website.   

2. If you’re new, click “Register Now” and create an account. You’ll need basic details like name, email, and date of birth.

3. Already have an account? Log in using your existing credentials.

Step 2: Search for Gungahlin United FC – NOTE: this step is not yet available. It will be available later in January 2025. 

1. Once logged in, search for “Gungahlin United Football Club” in the club finder.

2. Select the relevant program based on your age and skill level:

MiniRoos (Ages 5–9)

Community Juniors (Ages 10–18)

Community Seniors (Ages 18+)

Masters (Ages 35+)

Step 3: Complete the Registration Form

1. Fill in all required personal details.



Welcome to GUFC. For new players interested in joining the club in , we look forward to welcoming you to the GUFC family. For returning players, we look forward to sharing another great season with you.

All registration and general inquiry information can be found on this page. Because of the large volume of emails we receive during the registration period, any personal requests for support via email will be redirected to this website for self-service online in the first instance.

As much as we try to plan as best we can, the following information may be subject to change. A gentle reminder that this club is run by volunteers, so please be kind to those that have offered up their time. We look forward to having you as part of the GUFC family and if you’d like to volunteer, reach out to

Please note, if you are viewing this page on your phone it is often better to view in landscape mode so that you don’t miss out on important information that may be in the far-right columns of our tables.  

Important: GUFC is a values-based club.  Anyone registering to play with GUFC agrees to adhere to those values and to follow a strict Code of Conduct. View our Club Values here.

GUFC has a strict stance on member protection and child safeguarding.  If you have any concerns in this area at any time, please reach out to our Member Protection Officer at or our dedicated Integrity Officer at

GUFC is a gold medal Good Sports Club. Good Sports is Australia’s largest community health sports program. It has been helping build strong community sporting clubs across Australia for over 20 years.

Contact details for registration related queries:


Community Streams

For information about our MiniRoos ages 5-9 email –

For grading and team nominations for our Community streams ages 10-18 please contact our Coach Coordinating team at

Head to our Seniors and Masters Page for key contacts for our community adult streams. 

Registration Inquiries

For all inquiries relating to registration please read our Registration Page FIRST.  Everything you need to know about registration with GUFC can be found on that page.  For any other registration and fee payment related inquiries email


  • If during or after player registration there is a technical issue that Play Football can’t help you with
  • Requesting payment options
  • Requesting a Payment Plan
  • Requesting a Family Discount
  • Requesting a Refund
  • Inquiring about information not contained within this page after first contacting the comms team at to close the gap.




Volunteers general:

Communications Manager:

Integrity Officer: 

Child safeguarding and Member Protection Information Officer:

To submit your interest in coaching or managing a team please fill out this GUFC Coach and Manager Expression of Interest form.

Please ensure to read all the relevant information here prior to seeking personal support from our team.


See below for registration information as it relates to the season.

Play Football Registration System

If you registered with any football club in Australia from 2019 you will already have a Play Football log-in which you will use again.

If this is your first year with the Play Football system, you will be prompted to create a Play Football Account prior to completing your/your child’s registration. Your account is created by using your email address, Facebook login or Google login.

Payment of Player Registration Fees

Fees are to be paid online through Play Football at the time of registration by selecting the relevant package. Payment can be processed via VISA or MASTERCARD.

If you are unable to pay using this method please contact prior to commencing the registration process to discuss other options including payment plans. Title your email “Alternative Payment Options Please”

Player Eligibility

To be eligible for round one of competition all players must be made “Active” in Play Football one week prior to the relevant competition start date. It will be the responsibility of each player/parent to ensure they have completed all actions to be made “Active”.

To be considered “Active”, the player registration payment must be received in full or registration with an approved payment plan must be completed.

Players not “Active” by the requirements defined above will not be able to compete until their registration is resolved. Coaches and Managers of the team will be notified of eligible players prior to Round One commencing.

If a player registers after the competition begins the same rules apply, however if full payment is received and their registration is processed prior to Friday 12 noon that player will be eligible to play the following day provided they have been assigned to a team.


Please ensure you know which package is applicable to you before you get started.

SAP, Pathways, National Premier League Women (NPLW), National Premier League Men (NPLM), and National Premier League Boys and Girls (NPLB and NPLG), are all teams/programs that were selected via a trial/selection process in late 2024.  These players have been notified of their selection via email and have already paid a deposit to accept their place.  These players will be advised by an NPL coordinator when it’s time to finalise their registration and make payment.

For the majority of our GUFC players you will be looking at the Community packages relevant to your age group (see advice regarding age groups below). Important: DO NOT choose “SAP”, “Pathways” or “NPL” packages unless you have trialled and been accepted into these teams . These are performance teams only.

Ages are grouped in the table below in accordance with fee structure. This does not necessarily mean that’s how ages will be “grouped” for playing purposes.  Mixed teams will remain as individual age groups (Under 5, Under 6s, Under 7s etc.) whereas girls’ teams in our MiniRoos competition will likely be grouped as per previous years (U5-U7 & U8-U9), depending on number of registrations.

Player Package 2025 Total Package Fees
Seniors State League Masters
Juniors U12-U18 Mixed teams & U12-U18 Girls only teams
Juniors U10-U11 Girls only teams (CF ref MiniRoos)
Juniors U10-U11 Mixed teams (CF ref MiniRoos)
MiniRoos U8-U9 Girls only teams
MiniRoos U8-U9 Mixed teams
MiniRoos U5-U7 Girls only teams
MiniRoos U5-U7 Mixed teams

All fees including the relevant fee component breakdown will automatically be displayed on the “Product Details” screen once you select your registration package. Please note that registration fees for U8*-U18 age groups include a GUFC playing jersey. You will be prompted during the registration process to select the correct size. More information regarding this is included under the Uniforms heading below.

*Updated: U5, 6 and 7 have wash and wear jerseys that are returned at the end of the season and this is reflected in the player fees for the  season. Refer to the MiniRoos page for information about uniforms under the header “uniform checklist”. 


Player Registration Fee Totals* in Packages are broken into the following components:

  • FFA National Registration Fee
  • Capital Football Fee
  • Football Infrastructure Levy
  • Gungahlin United Football Club Fee

*In some instances, the fees charged may differ from those shown above for certain groups due to age-based fees imposed by FFA & Capital Football.

Referee fees are included in your fees and will be paid to referees directly by the club.

Payment Plans

Payment Plans are restricted to individuals or families where fees accumulate greater than $500 in the playing year.

To request a payment plan please contact prior to processing player registration through Play Football with the subject title “Request for Payment Plan Please”. Once approved, you will be given guidance on how to complete in player registration. Please note that credit cards are not able to be used for payment plans.

Family Discount

Family Discount is available for families registering 3 or more playing members in Community (MiniRoos/Juniors/Seniors/Masters). Applications for Family Discount vouchers should be made by email to prior to registrations being commenced with the subject title “Family Discount Requested”.


Use the below information to find the relevant player age group for registration in  (birth year in brackets represents max age for age group).

U5 – (2020)U12 – (2013)
U6 – (2019)U13 – (2012)
U7 – (2018)U14 – (2011)
U8 – (2017)U15 – (2010)
U9 – (2016)U16 – (2009)
U10 – (2015)U17 – (2008)
U11 – (2014)U18 – (2007)


For ages 5-9 MiniRoos complete teams can be registered by their coach or manager. Community Juniors can also register a team for Division 3 only (Divisions 1 and 2 are selected via Grading process).

Ensure you provide ALL information required including names, ages and FFA numbers of ALL team members. We cannot process your team registration without all the details.

If you have a couple of players in these MiniRoos age groups who would like to play together but don’t yet have a team, please choose the “play with a friend” form. Note: you will need to register with GUFC before filling out this form and ensure the friend is also registered so our Age Group Coordinators can take your request into consideration. Click here for Play with a Friend form.


GUFC is run on a volunteer basis. This allows us to keep the operational component of the registration fees manageable for our families.

As you would appreciate there is a lot of work involved in running a club the size of GUFC which means we continually need as many volunteers as possible to help.

For more information about how you can assist please email for general roles or if you would like tto submit your interest in coaching or managing a team please fill out the updated Coach of Manager EOI Form.

Note: All volunteers must also be registered via Play Football and have a WWVP card.  See instructions below at Coach/Manager/Volunteer Registration.

Worried about volunteering? Don’t have the time? Read this article from Gungahlin United Football Magazine about our volunteers, how they got started, and why they truly are the heart of GUFC.


Are you a business owner or know somebody who may like to get involved as a business partner with GUFC?  We can get your business in front of 1500+ players, 3000+ parents, over 3000 subscribers, 4000 social media followers and have your logo visible from one side of the ACT to the other with a GUFC sponsorship.

We have many options available including whole-of-club, game day, team and player sponsorships, which includes access to the new Gungahlin United Business Network.

All sponsorship inquiries are managed by a team of dedicated people. For more information contact


Our community uniforms are being supplied by UMBRO this year. All MiniRoos & Community Juniors will receive a new UMBRO jersey. All teams playing with GUFC must wear the Gungahlin United Football Club uniform in our club colours as passed by the GUFC Executive. The uniform is revealed each year via social media.

NPLM, NPLW, NPLB, NPLG and Pathways uniforms are managed separately to registration. Information about player’s kit for these players will be emailed to you directly before your start of season.  Your kit will be revealed early in the new year and will hopefully arrive in time for your season kick off. For inquiries, please contact your relevant NPL coordinator to assist.

Senior State League and Masters players are required to purchase their own uniforms. Your SSL/Masters coordinators will communicate with you directly.

Community Players U5 – U18 will be required to include their uniform shirt sizing at the time of registering as a player, failure to provide details may result in a player not having a uniform and therefore not being able to start the competition. The Umbro sizing chart is provided below. The jerseys are unisex with girls and women to order via the youth’s/men’s sizing guide. Please note that chest sizing is side seam to side seam (across the front) not all the way around the body.

Players will need to provide their own black shorts and black socks. 

Note for all players: football boots (no metal studs) and shin pads are compulsory for all players.


Welcome to the Umbro sizing guide to help you providing sizing for your new Umbro jersey. The jerseys are unisex with women to order via the men’s sizing guide.

Category Size Jersey (Velocity) Chest cm Measured across the front side seam to side seam (not around the body) Jersey (Velocity) Centre back length from top of collar to hem
YXXS (4)
YXS (6)
YS (8)
YM (10)
YL (12)


Please follow the following instructions to register online for our club:

Head to the GUFC registration page on Play Football using the following link – | Football (

  1. Click on “Get started”.
  2. If you already have a Play Football account click on “Sign in”.
  3. If you do not already have a Play Football account click on “Continue” to create one.
  4. Select whoever you are registering for (myself, Linked Person, or New Person), then click on “Continue”.
  5. Select the correct registration product from the list provided. NOTE: Most of our players will be Community. Please ensure that you DO NOT select Pathways or NPL unless you trialled and were selected in late 2023 for these performance teams for the 2024 season.
  6. Product details – this screen will provide you with a breakdown of the registration fee for your information, click “Continue”.
  7. Check and update the Registrants personal and contact details, and then click “Continue” – this is extremely important as it ensures that GUFC has the correct contact details for communiques, etc.  Please use personal email addresses rather than work so you are contactable all year round.
  8. Profile Photo “Select Profile Image”,browse from your device, and then click “Continue”.
  9. International Transfer Clearance – Answer question accordingly to proceed.
  10. Review your order, if you need to modify your product selection or details, select ’Modify’ in the appropriate section to do so.

Acknowledging Terms and Conditions

Click on the ‘Check box’ Read and Acknowledge all Terms and Conditions by selecting Accept All T&Cs displayed and then click “Continue“.

Payment Options Screen

  1. Enter your card details to complete the registration.
  2. Confirmation message – select “Finished” or “Perform another Registration”.

Where Do I Go, If I Need Help with My Registration?

If you have any trouble with your registration, you can use the following resources to help you:

  1. Visit the Support page on the Play Football website. This page contains articles and videos that may be of assistance to you:
  2. Contact the Play Football Support team:
    • Email:
    • Phone: (02) 8880 7983 – office hours for this number will vary depending on the time of year. Current office hours can be located by using the link at point 1. above.


All Coaches, Managers, Executive and Volunteers are also required to register through Play Football and hold a valid Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) card.

If you do not have a WWVP card (or need to renew your card) you can apply for one free by Clicking Here

Once you receive your card please forward a copy to our integrity officer at so that we can update our compliance register.

Please follow the following instructions to register online for our club:

Head to the GUFC registration page on Play Football using the following link – | Football (

  1. Click on “Get started”.
  2. If you already have a Play Football account click on “Sign in”.
  3. If you do not already have a Play Football account click on “Continue” to create one.
  4. Select whoever you are registering for (myself, Linked Person, or New Person), then click on “Continue”.
    1. Select Role (Coach / Manager / Volunteer / Committee).
    2. Product details – this screen
      will provide you with a breakdown of the registration fee for your information. As there are no fees involved under these Role types, the amounts shown will be zero. Click “Continue
    3. Check and update the Registrants personal and contact details, and then click “Continue” – this is extremely important as it ensures that GUFC has the correct contact details for communiques, etc.
    4. Profile Photo “Select Profile Image”, Browse from your device, and then click “Continue
    5. Working With Children (WWC)– Answer the questions accordingly – if you do not have a WWC Accreditation you will need to click on the For information on how to obtain a WWC Accreditation, click here This will direct you to the Access Canberra website where you can apply for your WWC Accreditation.
    6. Review your order, if you need to modify your product selection or details, select ’Modify’ in the appropriate section to do so

Acknowledging Terms and Conditions

Click on the ‘Check box’ Read and Acknowledge all Terms and Conditions by selecting Accept All T&Cs displayed and then click “Continue”.

Payment Options Screen

  1. There is no fee applicable to Coach, Volunteer or Committee roles, click Submit.
  2. Confirmation message – select “Finished” or “Perform another Registration”.

Where Do I Go, If I Need Help with My Registration?

If you have any trouble with your registration, you can use the following resources to help you:

  1. Visit the Support page on the Play Football website. This page contains articles and videos that may be of assistance to you:
  2. Contact the Play Football Support team:
    • Email:
    • Phone: (02) 8880 7983 – office hours for this number will vary depending on the time of year. Current office hours can be located by using the link at point 1. above.


Once you’ve registered you will be included in the GUFC e-newsletter database.  Keep an eye on your emails (including junk and spam folders) for our e-newsletter coming from  We suggest you add this to your list of trusted email addresses.

While we send out e-newsletters every couple of weeks, we ask that you’re also proactive regarding gaining information about the season. You can find previous e-newsletters here.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  This is important as we use Facebook as a Community Notice Board and Instagram as our photo album.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the front page of our website (scroll down to see the Newsfeed) for key information as well. The Newsfeed items address key streams, activities and information and each topic is updated regularly.

Our Community Juniors and MiniRoos teams will be finalised in April and coaches/coordinators/team managers will contact team members directly with information about the team, training, kick-off etc in April.

Contact details for Age Group Coordinators will be publicised closer to the season kick-off as soon as all Age Group Coordinator (AGC) volunteers are in place. You’ll find this information in our Newsfeed as soon as it becomes available. Let us know at if you can take on one of these roles.


The Community Juniors and MiniRoos season commences in early May. Training for Community Juniors commences the week before season kick-off.  The Club will touch base with players in April regarding Gala Day and pre-kick-off requirements. As above, our coaches, Coach Coordinators, team managers and Age Group Coordinators will contact teams directly once teams are finalised.

Senior State League and Masters players will receive communication on their key dates directly from the Seniors coordinators.

NPLM/W/B/G streams will already be receiving communication from their coaches and/or managers.  This includes pre-season dates and training information.

Keep an eye on your emails and see the Annual Cycle for GUFC here.


If you have questions please reread this page in the first instance. If there are gaps in communication please advise our team at with details of information you seek so the gap can be filled. With your help we will be able to continue to build information on this website for full self-sufficiency.


For information on grading for a 10s-18s Division 1 or Division 2 team please head to our Community Juniors page on the website. This page includes our grading enrolment form which you must complete to be considered for grading.

Registration Inquiries

For all inquiries relating to registration please read our Registration Page FIRST.  Everything you need to know about registration with GUFC can be found on that page.  For any other registration and fee payment related inquiries email